Become an Apprentice

The UBI Rebel Alliance has instituted an onboarding process through the utilization of Cohorts, you can see how the Alliance introduced Season0 participants here [link].

The TL;DR on Cohorts is that the UBI Rebel Alliance saw an immediate need to onboard a wide variety of roles into the improvement and advance of PoH. The Alliance aims with the cohorts are three:

  1. Accelerate the process of turning the PoH interphase an error-proof;

  2. Maintain and increase the price of $UBI, through the development of new products and services around PoH and UBI; and

  3. Provide a source of additional income to those participating in the improvement of humanity.

In the Cohort, we show you how the UBI Rebel Alliance operates so you are ready to take those missions that resonate the most with you.

Note If Season(n) is in session or has not yet begun, we recommend that you find someone with the role @Assistance to get you set up as an Apprentice.

All new entries will start as an Apprentice. Apprentices earn on their first mission the Apprentice badge that will hold forever the evidence of their first contribution to the cause. Apprentices do not earn an economic reward in their first mission, as they are volunteering to prove commitment. After their first mission, Apprentices will be invited to become Rebels. Once Rebels they will be taken in preference when carrying out area-related bounties. Additionally, Rebels will be directly promoted as trusted professionals when a company asks for help. Bounties are paid, check the next page.

Last updated